9 th International Meeting on Molecular Electronics
December 17 - 20, 2018 - Paris - France
ElecMol’18 is a single-session conference with a program consisting in 15 Invited Lectures / 48 Oral Communications / Poster Communications
CONFERENCE FEES (including 19.6% VAT) (accommodation not included)
Early Bird Registration: Until October 22, 2018
Academic/Non-Academic Researchers: 600€/720€
Ph-d Students: 390€
Late Registration: After Oct. 22, 2018 : 450/720/840€
Deadline for abstract submission: 15th october 2018.
A registration form and instructions for abstract submission is available online @ www.elecmol.com
Special lecturer : Rudolph Marcus (California Inst. of Techn., USA)
This international and interdisciplinary meeting
will focus on recent advances in molecular and
organic (opto)electronics in the fields of :
-Single Molecules & Large-Area Molecular Junctions :
R. McCreery (Alberta Univ., Canada)
C. Nijhuis (Singapore National Univ., Singapore)
-Organic Electronics & Spintronics :
D. Frisbie (Minnesota Univ., USA)
V. A. Dediu (ISMN-CNR Bologna, Italy)
-Organic Optoelectronics & Photonics:
N. Koch (Humboldt Univ. , Germany)
A. Hagfeldt (EPFL, Switzerland)
-Graphene, Carbon Nanotubes & Nanowires: Synthesis & Devices
J. Coraux (Institut Néel, France)
-Self-Assembly & Supramolecular Architectures
S. De Feyter (KU Leuven, Belgium)
A. Credi (Bologna Univ., Italy)
-Scanning Probe Microscopies & Near Field Approaches
J. Barth(Techn. Univ. München, Germany)
-Molecular Theoretical Modelling
S. Sanvito (Trinity College Dublin, Ireland)
C. Barreteau (CEA Saclay, France)
-Bioinspired Approaches & Biomimetic Devices
L. Torsi (Bari Univ., Italy)
M. Berggren (Linköping Univ., Sweden)
Prof. A.-J. Attias (U. Paris VI), Dr. V. Bouchiat (Inst. Néel),
Prof. L. De Cola (U. Strasbourg), Dr. M. Deshmukh (Tata Inst. Mumbai),
Dr. G. Dujardin ( CNRS-Orsay ), Dr. B. Jousselme (CEA-Saclay),
Prof. P. Lafarge (U. Paris VII), Prof. J.-M. Lehn (ISIS-Strasbourg),
Dr. K. Lmimouni (IEMN-Lille), Prof. R. Martel (U. Montreal),
Dr. S. Palacin (CEA-Saclay), Prof. S. Y. Park (Seoul Nat. U.),
Prof. M. A. Ratner (Northwestern U.), Prof. J. A. Rogers (U. Illinois),
Prof. H. Sakaguchi (Shizuoka U.), Prof. N. C. Seeman (U. New York),
Dr. S. Tanaka (KARC-NiCT Kobe), Prof. Y. Wada (Toyo Univ.),
Dr. J. Weiss (U. Strasbourg)
Dr. C. Barraud (MPQ), N. Battaglini (ITODYS), Dr. V. Bouchiat (Inst. Néel),
M. L. Della Rocca (MPQ), Pr. J.-C. Lacroix (ITODYS),
Pr. P. Lafarge (MPQ), Dr. F. Lafolet (ITODYS), Dr. G. Mattana (ITODYS),
Dr. P. Martin (ITODYS), Pr. B. Piro (ITODYS), Dr. P. Rannou (SyMMES),
Dr. S. Reisberg (ITODYS), Dr. X. Sun (ITODYS),
Sub-division Electrochimie-SCF : Hubert Perrot, LISE, University UPMC
Sub-division Nanosciences-SCF : Michael Holzinger, DCM, Université Grenoble Alpes
Sub-division Electrochimie-SCF: Fabien Miomandre, PPSM, ENS Paris Saclay