@INC_CNRS @Univ_Paris @SShkirskiy
Viacheslav (alias Slava) Shkirskiy just joined the Department 1 of ITODYS. His research activity focuses on the development of new state-of-the-art multi-microscopy operando methodologies to control the electrochemical activity of nanostructured interfaces. Recipient of the CNRS 2021 competition, he joined the Electron Transfer Reactivity and Surfaces team on 01/10/2021.
After a graduation in physical chemistry from the Moscow State University (Moscow, Russia), Slava enrolled in a PhD from the Université Pierre et Marie Curie (2015) in the group of Kevin Ogle and Polina Volovitch at Chimie-Paris-Tech on the mechanims of corrosion inhibition of galvanized steel. He then pursued a scientific career through different postdoctoral positions in Europe : UPMC-LISE (Paris, France); Max Planck Institute for Iron Research, DAAD fellowship (Düsseldorf, Germany); Warwick Electrochemistry and Interfaces group, Marie Curie Individual Fellowship, (Coventry, UK); Moltech Anjou (Angers, France). During these stays he focused on the development of novel methods for corrosion research with both academia and industry interests. In particular, he combined localized electrochemical methods, nanotechnology and computational modeling to reveal the nanoscale dimension of corrosion (and more generally electrochemistry).